[PDF] Dirty Wounds Ebook
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Surgical Wounds - WoundCareCenters.org Class IV Dirty-infected surgical wounds include those with a foreign object lodged in the wound (such as a bullet or other debris). This class also includes traumatic wounds from a dirty source where the treatment was delayed, infected surgical wounds or any wound that has been exposed to pus or fecal matter. SURGICAL WOUND CLASSIFICATIONS - Michigan Medicine Examples: Abscess I&D, perforated bowel, peritonitis, wound debridement, positive cultures pre-op The information on this site is provided as a guideline only. The user of this site should be forewarned that medications are often prepared in hospital-specific concentrations (mcg/kg/min vs. mcg/min). Guidelines for the manaement of tetanus-prone wounds Clean wound Wounds less than six hours old, non-penetrating with negligible tissue damage. Dirty wound Wounds which may be contaminated, infected, penetrating, more than 6 hours old and/or with extensive tissue damage. Requires tetanus vaccination Give age appropriate tetanus immunisation immediately

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